Design Conversion

So, you have an elaborate and flashy website design, but you’re still not seeing an increase in business. How do you get your website to actually get you more customers? A website’s main purpose should be to attract visitors and convert them into customers – plain and simple. In his engaging speaking style, Chris easily explains why it’s important to guide visitors to your website through the “conversion funnel,” as well as the reasons why multiple calls to action should be utilized. As an Internet marketing expert, Chris speaks from 18+ years of experience when he advises how the selection and location of imagery and content on a website can play substantial roles in turning faceless Internet users into customers.

Chris has been in the Internet marketing business much longer than most, giving him a unique perspective. He has been able to formulate Internet marketing tactics that work for the long haul and shares them with his audiences. Attendees often rave of Chris’ speaking engagements, which leave them with knowledge they can instantly apply to their internet marketing efforts.