Content is king.

Content is king. In fact, Google’s Matt Cutts has stated, “If you don’t have the text, the words that will really match on the page, then it’s going to be hard for [Google] to return that page to users.” As an engaging and prolific speaker, Chris addresses the golden rule of search engine optimization (SEO): You must continually add new, original, and relevant content describing the four Ws of your company – who you are, what you do, where you do it, and whom you are trying to appeal to.

With over 18 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry, Chris has become an expert on SEO. And he’s actually an expert. An expert can be defined as doing something for 10,000 hours, so with 18 years of experience working a conservative 40-hour work week, Chris truly has the know-how to offer sound advice on why well-written website content is so crucial. Chris speaks to audiences in a way that is clear and concise, and he gives takeaway tips that can easily be applied to listeners’ marketing efforts.